WALT to craft an information report about modern fishing methods.
Tips to guide your Writing:
Bullet point plan:
Your Writing:h
What is the title of your Information report?
Begin with linking 2-3 facts to do with the background information about modern fishing methods (what do they do? What is the controversy?) Let your reader know what they will be reading about throughout your report.
Second paragraph:
Link 2-3 of your facts about the types of fishing methods. Explain the kinds of methods, give examples of the methods. Explain how they target certain fish.
Third paragraph:
Link 2-3 of your facts about the problems with modern fishing methods. Explain how these methods can cause problems. Give examples of specific problems caused by a particular method (e.g. longlining).
Fourth paragraph:
Link 2-3 of your facts about the possible solutions to the problems with modern fishing methods. Explain why these are important. Give examples of how they can help.
End your information report by retelling the modern fishing methods you talked about. Re-iterate why they can be problematic and why they need to be changed. Give a personal response to the topic.
Fishing practises - plan..
And That's Our Plan
By : Of Course Mjkingi & Mary
Hi! talented readers , if you are wondering ,why sea animals are dying or what's going on with humans and nature.
Well then sit back ,relax and maybe get a meal or a drink, because it’s going to be a long experimenting situation with our nature kind.
First, lets focus on our fishing methods such as bottom Trawling , Dredging , Gillnetting and Longline , if you’re thinking why does this relate to nature, well we're getting there just a minute!
Now these fishing method, are really dangerous because they all destroy the seafloor and accidentally kill marine sea animals by dragging heavy gear or getting them tangled in their net by blocking their way from swimming.
So as you can see these fishing method is a problem not just to us but to the ocean and marine animals.
If you do anything for for the marine animals and the pacific and beautiful ocean then you too can be an ocean hero!
make the right choice
Happily by: MJkingi & Mary
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